How to gain the collaboration of others?
Managers Development Program
The program provides practical skills and tools for managers to enhance their contribution and fulfillment.
The program's goals are to develop managerial
capability via:
Generating managerial self-perception and learning the managerial roles and responsibilities.
Acquiring managerial skills and tools (with an emphasis on inter-personal skills and managing people).
Creating a common managerial language at the company.
Team building and networking between the company’s managerial team.
Major Topics:
Managerial Role Perception
From Operational to Strategic Management
Performance Management, Goal Setting and Delegation of Authority
Effective Feedback
Needs Assessment
Employee Empowerment and Development
Global and Remote Management
Listening and Empathy
Proactive Behavior and Influence
From Silo to Collaboration
Communication Styles
My Specials
Special 01
Managing Global/Hybrid Distributed Teams
This workshop aims to improve your ability to understand reality from different perspectives, enhance your listening and empathy skills, and acquire tools for assessing your employees' needs in a global hybrid changing environment.
Special 02
Team Building-
From Silo to Collaboration
The workshop aims to improve collaboration in the face of rapid change and uncertainty. Promote a broad organization-wide perspective and a sense of common purpose among managers. In this way, the company will promote network thinking and improve collaboration among interfaces.
"Neta is a hard-working, thoughtful, charismatic, and open-minded individual with a clear commitment to cross-cultural communication."
Omar Hatamleh, Ph.D
Technology Integration Manager, NASA
"Neta's extensive experience in human resources management together with her phenomenal management mentoring abilities contributed a lot to the company's success in a time of fast growth and change."
Netanel Namdar
CEO, Linkury
"Neta helped me build a strong team with highly professional individuals and a great team atmosphere. Neta is very passionate about her work and she can move and motivate any employee, manager or mountain".
Lital Shalev
Head of SW Development, Precognize